Fan Art
Below is a collection of fan art work!
If you would like to send me any of your Silent Hill inspired art please either Inbox or upload to the Facebook page or email me!
Valtiel by Sara Richard
Heather by Sara Richard.
Glenn Smith's girlfriend made him this awesome picture of Robbie!
Nyaasu made this awesome Pyramid Head cookie
I love this fan made Robbie art work! You can buy the original right here:
Glenn Smith's take on Goosebumps!
Check out Nyaasu's awesome painting! It was painted for her by a friend
Brandon Coupland's inspired Art Work
Pip Petrie's custom Silent Hill sign that sits in his garden! :D
Mannequin by Glenn Smith
Andy Goldstraw fanart
Nyaasu's Silent Hill Cookies
Tasha Louise's Silent Hill inspired Christmas Card
Pip Petrie's Silent Hill Christmas
Pip Petrie's Silent Hill snow globe
Alexey's Silent Hill 2 inspired art.
Glenn Smith's Heather and Valtiel fan art
Jennifer Diaz Heather Fan Art
Fran Bliss's Nurse Fan Art
Adam Turvey's Pyramid Head art work
Brandon Couplands Revelation fan art
Tessa Peters Pyramid Head Fan Art
Heather Benders SmurfHead!
Curtis Ryan's fan art
Chris Oz Fultons Fan art
Fran Bliss's fan art
Mary's Siam Fan Art
Marcello's Twin Victim Fan Art
Elisa Fortes fan art
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Red Pyramid Thing and Bubble Head Nurse Statues
Brittany Marie's Pyramid Head fan art
Articuno's custom Silent Hill shoes
Kailey's Wall size Silent Hill Map
Paul Villarroel's fan art
Guillermo Pierola's fan art.
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Bubble Head Nurse Statue
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Bubble Head Nurse Statue
Chad McNeely has created a hand made set for his Bubble Head Nurse Statue
Chad's handmade Heather statue setup
Chad's handmade Heather statue setup
Chad's handmade Heather statue setup
Chad's handmade Heather statue setup
Chad's handmade Heather statue setup
Josh Luke's fan art
Kez Hutsmd-Upscalekitty's custom lurker
Kez Hutsmd-Upscalekitty's Pyramid Head custom helmet
Chad McNeely's Custom figures
Demi Lorna Rose Prosser's Silent Hill Painting (which I own as it was an awesome present :D )
Jacinta Borg's Pyramid Head Sketch
Adam's Silent Hill Diorama
Adam's Silent Hill Diorama
Adam's Silent Hill Diorama
Marcello's Heather Sketch
Marcello's James Sunderland Sketch
Leigh Thorne AKA Dax79's Fanart
Jennifer Stephany Schultz's Fan Art
Milena Vigo's custom Robbie
Marcello's fan art
Sonny Marie Raskin's fan art
Sonny Marie Raskin's fan art
Sonny Marie Raskin's fan art
Lora Ally Peak's fan art
Lora Ally Peak's fan art
Jonathan Alecrim's fan art
Matteo Fioravanti's fan art
Róza Gombos' fan art
Sarah Strange's fan art
Sarah Strange's fan art
Sarah Strange's fan art
Lise Hamaide's Silent Hills art
Lise Hamaide's art
Chris Oz Fulton
Dean Cuthberts fan art
Dean Cuthberts fan art
Dean Cuthberts fan art
Irmin's nurse
Ariel Wells's pumpkin
Ninni Valo's fan art
Luana Belsito's awesome fan art
Chad Tripp's Sister made this for him for Christmas. Love it!
Silent Hill 3 Slurper by 'The art of a blinded demon'
Shattered Memories inspired fan art by Dean Cuthbert
Ismael Rubalcava's fan art
Jason G. Willikers' fan art
Ismael Rubalcava's nurse fan art
Lise Hamaide's fanart
Marcello's fan art
Danielle Pepin's Valtiel fan art
Gemma Marie Smith's awesome fan art
Kay Schaerfhai's fanart
Ben Aktraizer Dreads' fan art
Ben Aktraizer Dreads' fan art
Ben Aktraizer Dreads' fan art
Shannon Funk's James fan art
Silent Hill: Misty Day by artist Jose Piteira. You can find more here:
Pyramid Head by artist José Piteira. You can find more here: