I have come up with another Christmas Gift Guide to ensure that awesome Silent Hill fan in your life gets exactly what they want and to make it a little bit easier I have included links directly to the gifts in question. So its as simple as click, checkout, chill!
I have selected a large number of links from around the world so there is something for everyone no matter where you are!
Luckily we have been treated to a lot of Silent Hill merchandise lately and to start off lets look at some awesome apparel.
Insert Coin Clothing have three different Silent Hill T-shirts available. The Silent Hill Historical Society T shirt Lakeview Hotel T shirt and the Radio Repairs T shirt. All T-shirts are available in sizes Small to 3 X Extra Large and are priced at £22 each or 3 for 2. If you're after something more than a T-shirt why not check out the awesome James Sunderland Jacket they also have available? Priced at £60 it's similar to the original release jacket from 2001 that was limited to 250 pieces and is a must for any fan. You can also grab the full range in a bundle for £85.
Or why not check out the Lakeside Amusement Park T-shirt or the Halo of the Sun T shirt available from Game Legends, this T-shirt is available in sizes Small to Extra Large and are both priced at €18.98. You can also save 10% at Game Legends with the code: SHPGLMC (you're welcome).
For the fans who like to sport some awesome headgear, why not give them a Silent Hill Military Hat featuring the one and only Pyramid head or the brilliant Robbie the Rabbit cap. And if that's not enough a matching Lakeside Amusement Park cap (to go with the T-shirt) is also available.
The perfect stocking filler would also be the Lakeside Amusement Park and Welcome to Silent Hill wristband, along with the Halo of the Sun keychain also available from Game Legends.

If you're wanting to spend a bit more on your presents this year for that REALLY special Silent Hill fan, you could always grab them a Silent Hill Gecco figure.
The first being the Red Pyramid Thing figure with a Lying Figure or the Bubble Head Nurse figure. Both of these figures are more available than the Red Bubble Head nurse or the Red Pyramid Thing figure with a Mannequin in his hands. These latter figures were available at San Diego Comic Con and are limited to 1500 pieces, so will be a bit more pricey. Do not fear though as you can still get them from Amazon, Ebay or any other sites that just happen to still have them in stock.
The more recent Gecco releases include Heather, Pink Bloody Robbie, Blue Bloody Robbie and A bloodless limited edition Robbie. The Bloodless version is exclusive to Japan and is limited to 300 pieces however you may be able to grab one if you use the auction sites Rinkya or Jauce.

Another beautifully made item is the 'A Tale of Birds Without a Voice' Silent Hill inspired Art book. It features a total of 16 illustrations showcasing characters and locations in SIlent Hill. The book is created by Elisa Fortes, who I know is a HUGE Silent Hill fan so you're really getting an awesome piece of Silent Hill memorabilia. The great thing about this book is that you can purchase it in a Hardback copy or a Digital copy.

As you should know by now at Gamescon this year we were treated to a free playable teaser download of P.T which revealed the forthcoming next Silent Hill game 'Silent Hills'. Well remember that creepy fetus in the sink? Why not own your very own? A 3D printed P.T Fetus is available via shapeways!
The currently in production fan film, Silent Hill Requiem from Zenithfilms also has an online store where you can grab your very own official Requiem T shirts and signed prints! Check out the store right HERE
We were also treated to more Downpour this year with the awesome Comic Book Series 'Silent Hill Downpour: Anne's story. This series of comics follows the story of Anne Marie Cunningham and extends upon what we played through in the Downpour game. Issues 1-3 are currently available now with the 4th and final issue being available December 10th.
If you'd rather keep the person you're giving a gift to keep them quiet for a while so you can enjoy your own presents, go for a Silent Hill Game.
Finally for those who don't have the time to get a gift or don't quite have enough funds, why not give the gift of a pre-order? A Red Pyramid Thing figure from Figma will be available April worldwide. A new pose-able Robbie the Rabbit figure will also be available in July from Medicom Toy. You could always pre-order one and then pay once available, that way the person you intend to give it to will receive an amazing gift without paying a penny.
And for those who just love a bit of Silent Hill why not check out these awesome pages and give them a like on Facebook:
Silent Hill Alchemilla Hospital, Silent Nerd, Silent Hill Historical Society, Silent Hill Memories, Silent Haven, Silent Evil, ZenithFilms (Silent Hill Requiem), Elisa Fs Art (Lovely lady behind A tale of Birds without a Voice), Silent Hill Collectors and SilentHillCollection.com
Hope this helps guys and a big huge Happy Holidays from Silent Hill Paradise