To celebrate this most awesome month I will be giving away various things throughout the month!
Including the Lakeside Amusement Park poster's printed onto canvas!
I have had them specifically printed onto canvas to give them more use! You could stitch them onto something, tear the edges to give them a work look, hang them up, frame them, stitch something to them etc etc etc
I also have a few other things lined up to give away including, Silent Hill Revelation Japanese flyers, Silent Hill comics and more! :D
The Lakeside Amusement Park posters can only be won in one way, by Hashtagging. To enter all you will have to do is hashtag #SilentHillParadise and then whatever word is required to enter that specific competition. For example: #SilentHillParadise #PyramidHead
You can hashtag in a comment, as a status, on your friends wall, whatever! :D I will then click the hashtags and pick a winner!
The final week of October will be the best week yet! So keep your eyes open! :D
Terms and Conditions:
Competition is open worldwide. Entry will only be valid is both hashtagged words appear together. One entry per person. If you do not win, you can re-enter the next time. You cannot win more than once. Prizes will be sent out the start of November.